
5 Arguments Against Painting a Brick House

Three bricks, please. Brick Painting makes up every house in your area. You’re eager to paint over that red-orange-brown colour scheme so the charm of your house can stand out. Joseph Blake Smith Arkansas explains, In some cases, it may even be necessary (more on that later), but doing so is not recommended because your biggest financial asset could be put at great risk. 

To put it another way: homeowners, tread carefully. Even while painted brick may be aesthetically pleasing right now, in a short while it can turn out to be a big, massive mistake. 

Here are 5 reasons why painting brick is a bad idea (plus a few instances where it is acceptable)

1.It will suffocate you. 

Bricks appear like big, hefty rocks, so it may not seem like they breathe, but they do, and they need to. Brick has minute holes that adapt to the climate and let moisture escape during rain, sleet, hail, and snow.

The process of painting over brick is comparable to covering your head with a plastic bag. Any openings or “airways” are sealed off, which causes respiration to cease. In any home, trapped moisture is a negative thing. The best type of home siding for keeping heat or cold and adjusting to let moisture out is brick.

2.It might cause structural damage. 

Brick can deteriorate if moisture is trapped inside it because paint is holding it there and then freezes and expands. Your home’s structure deteriorates as the brick erodes.

3.When it degrades, it will seem ugly. 

The paint will start to deteriorate as soon as the bricks do. The paint will flake and peel, acting as an extremely unattractive neon sign warning that your house needs immediate assistance. Paint that is flaking and peeling indicates that the bricks are eroding and that action needs to be taken right away. The identical purpose for why you applied the paint—to make the house look prettier—will have the exact opposite effect.

4.Older bricks won’t maintain their value. 

Historic handmade bricks can be found in some brick homes. Joseph Blake Smith Arkansas Compares to today’s machine-made varieties, these bricks are more durable and last longer. Older, hand-made bricks have a firmer surface. It’s quite possible that your home has handcrafted historic bricks if it has beautiful brick elements like dog-toothing. Not only would painting them result in the aforementioned problems, but it would also compromise some of their historic character.

5.It is very difficult to go back. 

The removal of paint from masonry is a labour-intensive and time-consuming process. Sandblasting or power washing would further damage the brick and the framework of your house. Brick painting can be safely removed with chemical stripping. It is therefore difficult to change the paint if you change your mind.

Where Painted Brick is an Exception in a Few Situations 

The bricks have already undergone expert painting.

Painted brick eventually needs to be repainted or stripped since it must be frequently repainted. The cheapest and simplest solution will be to repaint the area. You should hire a professional that uses mineral-based or silicate paint that is meant to breathe while having the walls painted.

The brick has significant damage.

Painting may be the least expensive and time-consuming technique to remediate crumbling, nearly sand-like grout between bricks. You could remove the mortar and replace it, but doing it yourself would likely result in cement all over the brick face, and paying a professional to do it would be very expensive.

What you have is an old brick that was intended to be painted.

It is found in a very small number of houses, all of which are historic because they were built before 1870. A particular kind of handcrafted brick from the past was intended to be painted. If your home was constructed before 1870, there are what appear to be residues of paint or whitewash on the brick facade, and the structure is devoid of any ornamental embellishment, you can tell if it is one of the few.

Modern latex paint is not appropriate for this sort of brick; it needs a unique blend of paint. Joseph Blake Smith Arkansas suggests,  It must be painted with milk paint or whitewash made of lime.

Decorative Bricks

Since your home is protected from the elements on the outside by brick, there is no danger of moisture or humidity weakening the structure. Use that stone fireplace surround for whatever you like!

Please feel free to browse the website for further helpful home advice and information. Contact us at any moment if you need assistance buying or selling a house in Columbus.

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